Pancakes The Perfect Homemade Pancake Recipe is easy to make with ingredients you probably already have on hand. This recipe can easily be turned into a pancake mix or into buttermilk pancakes as well. Salted caramel honeycomb pancakes with chocolate and caramel sauce with brownie pieces (

Zutaten von Pancakes

  1. 1,5 Becher of Mehl.
  2. 1,25 Becher of Milch.
  3. 1 of Ei.
  4. 0,5 Päckchen of Backpulver.
  5. 1 TL of Salz.
  6. 1 EL of Zucker.
  7. 3 EL of Butter.

Anleitung Pancakes

  1. Mehl, Zucker, Backpulver und Salz in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. In der Mitte eine Öffnung machen, die restlichen Zutaten eingießen und vermischen..
  2. Den Teig in der Pfanne abraten, bis kleine Löcher entstehen. Die Pancakes auf einem Teller aufeinander stapeln..

Sweet pancakes and pancakes with fruit The real deal:)! Pancakes should be sweet and served with sweet topping or Pancakes with meat and vegetables Pancakes are not only eaten as desserts. Does butter make a better batter, what's the most ripping topping? Top tips for the perfect pancake recipe. How do I make flat pancakes?

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