Low-Carb-Muffins Delicious grain-free and keto muffin recipes for your snacking pleasure. These low-carb muffins not only have the folate, calcium, iron and zinc of poppy seeds and the vitamin C of lemon, but they also pack in the protein! If you need a big of sunshine in a muffin, gravitate towards these simple, speedy muffins.

Zutaten von Low-Carb-Muffins

  1. 12 of Eier.
  2. 3 EL of Parmesan.
  3. of Salz, Pfeffer, Paprikapulver, Kräuter nach Wahl.
  4. 1,5-2 of Paprika gewürfelt.
  5. 1/2 of Zucchini.
  6. 70-100 g of Schinken.
  7. of (Beim Gemüse/Schinken kann man auch austauschen, was der Kühlschrank hergibt).

Anleitung Low-Carb-Muffins

  1. Die Eier mit Gewürzen, Kräutern und Parmesan verquirlen. Kleingewürfeltes Gemüse und/oder Schinken unterheben..
  2. Auf ein gefettetets 12-er Muffinblech (oder in Muffinpapierförmchen wer Fett sparen will) verteilen. Bei 190 Grad Umluft 25 min backen..

It's nice and quiet after the kids have gone off to school and I finally have some time to think. But some mornings only afford enough time to get the kids ready for school and then out-the-door I go. For most of us, if we want low-carb muffins, we need to make them ourselves. I have several low-carb muffin recipes on the blog including Low-Carb Cinnamon Apple Spice Muffins, Low-Carb Blackberry-Filled Lemon Almond Flour Muffins, and Low-Carb Double Chocolate Muffins. Ultra moist almond flour blueberry muffins from scratch are quick and easy to make!

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