Mango und Avocado Ceviche (vegan) Add more lime juice if onions aren't completely covered. This vegan ceviche recipe is a ceviche de aguacate or avocado ceviche and is based on a traditional Mexican ceviche recipe made with lots of lime juice, chiles, and tomato. The nice thing about a vegan ceviche is you don't have to worry about the freshness of the fish or it's ill effects.

Zutaten von Mango und Avocado Ceviche (vegan)

  1. 1/3 Tasse of rote Zwiebeln, fein geschnitten.
  2. 1/4 Tasse of Schnittlauch, fein geschnitten.
  3. 1/3 Tasse of Koriander, fein geschnitten.
  4. 1/3 Tasse of süße rote oder gelbe Paprika, fein geschnitten.
  5. 1 of Tomate, in kleinen Würfeln.
  6. Saft von 1 1/2 of Zitronen.
  7. 2 of Mangos, in kleinen Würfeln.
  8. 2 of Avocados, in kleinen Würfeln.
  9. 1 Prise of Salz und Pfeffer.

Schritt für Schritt Mango und Avocado Ceviche (vegan)

  1. In einer Schüssel alle genannten Zutaten miteinander mischen, diese dann würzen und alles gut ziehen lassen. Die Mango und Avocado Ceviche für 10 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen und dann genießen..

If you happen to not be a fan of cauliflower you can make this vegan ceviche with mushrooms, hearts of palm, or even coconut. For a touch of sweetness, you could add mango, and red onion instead of white. However, the key to the best vegan ceviche is to let it marinate enough time for the flavors to develop. With a knife chop the cilantro, shrimp, mango, and avocado and add it to the mixing bowl. (Do not put these items in food processor, please chop by hand) Mix all the ingredients together (including any of the lime juice you didn't already add). Add the black pepper to taste.

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