Brokkoli-Pesto / Dip Transfer to a bowl and serve as a dip, spread or sauce with pasta. If serving with pasta, this amount will be plenty for a pound of pasta. Mightn't broccoli be a good (and colorful) addition to white bean dip?

Zutaten von Brokkoli-Pesto / Dip

  1. 1 of Kopf Brokkoli.
  2. 20 g of Mandeln.
  3. 40 g of Grana Padano.
  4. 2 Zehen of Knoblauch.
  5. 200 ml of Sonnenblumenöl.
  6. of Salz und Pfeffer.

Schritt für Schritt Brokkoli-Pesto / Dip

  1. Brokkoliröschen abschneiden, Stiel schälen und grob schneiden. 8 Minuten in kochendes Wasser geben, abgießen und mit kaltem Wasser abschrecken. Am besten gleich zwei mal, sodass er wieder richtig kalt wird oder mit Eiswürfeln im Wasser. (Blanchieren).
  2. Mandeln in der Pfanne etwas rösten. Knoblauch schälen und grob schneiden. Grana Padano grob schneiden. Alle Zutaten in ein hohes Gefäß geben und pürieren. Et voilà! Lasst es euch schmecken. ♥️.

Add all of that to hummus and you're getting fiber and protein with each dip of a carrot (or. It has a bright flavor from the inclusion of fresh lemon, requires no cooking (other This broccoli pesto, which has two cups of fresh broccoli plus a cup of vitamin-rich parsley, is our. Broccoli Pesto is the perfect ingredient to add to pizzas, sandwiches, wraps, pasta, chicken and so much more. And if your kids are struggling to welcome broccoli onto their plates, this dip makes a. Pesto can be used in countless ways - as a pizza topper, a flavor booster for proteins, stirred into It's also fantastic for dipping your favorite homemade crackers into.

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